The elementum Blog

Six powerful questions for disciple-makers collegiate ministry disciple-making discipleship resources

If you’re a ministry leader who wants to help your people live out Jesus’ call to make disciples, then one of the best things you can do is ask powerful questions. 

Jesus questioned more than he taught

Jesus asked far more questions than he answered. Not only that, Jesus...

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Jesus is more important than your ministry collegiate ministry gospel leadership young adult ministry

A crucial reminder for those leading ministry and making disciples, whether as your full-time vocation or simply as a part of the calling of every Christian: Jesus is more important than your ministry.

Jesus is more important than the sermon you’re preparing to preach to 500 people this...

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5 Cultural Obstacles to your church engaging young adults church culture gen z young adult ministry

Over the last decade of doing college and young adult ministry and helping churches think through how to effectively engage 18-30 year olds, my anecdotal experience has been identical to what national surveys confirm; the engagement of young adults with the life of the church continues to...

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Simple Ministry is Better collegiate ministry elementum process launching a new ministry leadership young adult ministry

The following article is an excerpt from one of elementum’s modules in the process we coach our partner ministry leaders through as they prepare to launch a college or young adult ministry. 

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11 years ago this August myself and a few...

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Five Obstacles to Multiplication disciple-making elementum process leadership road blocks

If your ministry isn’t moving toward multiplication, it’s dying. 

If you’re following Jesus and leading his people, your primary calling is to make disciples who make disciples of Jesus. That’s something that requires a multiplication mindset.

Why does this matter?

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